Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Pregnancy Book

'There is no end to education. It is not that you read a book, pass an examination and finish an education. The whole of life, from the moment you are born to the moment you die, is a process of learning'. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Hi everyone

Today I want to post about my pregnancy book that I have been reading and learning from and taking notes from. Now I know there are tons of books out there, but this particular one is one that I love and is for me very informative. This book as well as what was handed out to me by my midwife (hospital Manuel pregnancy books and leaflets), my What to Expect When you are Expecting app on my Ipod as well as watching documentaries like Super Nanny, One Born Every Minute Teen Moms and  16 and Pregnant (guilty pleasure)  etc is how I am getting my self ready. Although I do know there is no 100% way to be really ready to be a mom or give birth. I am just in the process of becoming aware of what is to happen, might happen, may not happen and not being frightened of the whole process. 

Here is the book I am reading. 

4th Edition Pregnancy Childbirth and the Newborn: The Complete Guide

Here are a few interesting Chapters. 

'Good Nutrition during Pregnancy'

'Second Trimester Changes for you and Your Baby' 

 'Second Stage of Labor: Birth of your Baby'


'Postpartum Fitness'

 Here's my book again.  Spilled some oil on it lol hahahaha 

This book for me is seriously very good, not just for before you get pregnancy but during your pregnancy as well as a chapter for second pregnancy or multiple babies and the normal taking care of a newborn, taking care of yourself and much much more. I also like that it takes the fathers into consideration and there are inserts from real life situations and comments from mothers and fathers. So I will probably pack this book for my hospital stay. Something to read through again and again and again whilst Baby Afropean gets sleep and grows.

Note: This book was bought with my own money and I am not saying that You should go out and get it. Nope, this is what works for me and what I like and enjoy. I just wanted to share what I am reading. This is also not a review of this book, just my observations upon reading this book.

Joy, Love and Being Prepared

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