Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Want a Free New Fabulous Layout ????

Hey All

Since I hit my 100th post, I was considering doing a whole new thang with my blog, but been waiting, thinking, pondering, buying shoes, doing hair stuff, more thinking, blogger and I are not on speaking terms, more shoes.......... and then Today, I saw on two blogs that I follow how to get a ' Free, faboulous, personalized layout' !!!!!!! Its a sign ( that and Procrastination really does work in my favor) !!!!!!!!

So if you would also like a new fabulous layout head over to Miss Felicity Designs ( which by the way, is the name of my older sister!!!!!! - so this is definitely a Fab match).

As for me, I will wait for my new layout and sort out my issues with Blogger ( nothing huge, I can post but I cant really put up any pictures).

Blessings, Love and Signs


  1. Hey I'm over from 20sb...and jux coming to check out your site cant wait to see what your new layout will look like


  2. Hey Ms Derby, Welcome!!!!!!! I too cant wait to see the layout. Thanks for the comment, I need to head back over to 20sb soon!!!!!!


Thank You for your comment!!!!!!!