Thursday, November 25, 2010


Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.

- Brian Tracy

Sorry for the delay in blogging but better late than never. So its Thanksgiving, even though I anm neither American nor Canadian (if they celebrate this day) I am Thankful, so here is what I am Thankful for.

My family, those close and extended, a friend told me long time ago, that our souls basically pick which babies we want to inhabit and which family we want to be a part of, so even though I don't always get along with my family, I guess, my soul knew what it was doing, so I am proud to be a member of my family.

My friends, old and new, they really are an extension of me and reflect my personalty and growth as a person, some people have come and gone from my life, but each and everyone left a mark in and on my heart.

My sense of self worth, this is pretty high up of this list because I haven't always felt this good about my my own worth and I had to dig deep and figure things out and now I know who I Am and what I want and expect from life, love and everything in between. I know my talents, my strengths and my weaknesses, I love my courage, my depth and my compassion, my passions, my creativity and but Most of All I am Grateful to just be Me.

My ex's, I am grateful to them because this year, I had to let go of someone I deeply loved for a long time and it got me thinking of all the men I have had the privilege to be with or date. They each have brought something into my life for which I am truly grateful for. I am a romantic and I always felt that to truly love someone is as close to God as you as ever get apart from having a child, losing someone and death. So I am grateful to have loved and know that I am capable of being in love and finding the right man for me.

My travels, I have been really lucky in that I have lived and traveled to some seriously wonderful places and I give thank that there are even more places for me to explore. I cant wait to get out there and explore. I am so happy to be a part of this world and live during these times and I just cant wait to see more of this amazing PLANET!!!!!!!

My camera, my baby Nico, I love him to bits. He is such a Diva, wont work with anyone else but me, I bought him the morning of my flight to Windhoek, just hours before I left Vienna. He will be getting a new sibling next year, because I don't want to spoil him and I think he needs a partner.

My body, wow, this is actually a hard one, but as I get older, I appreciate my body more and more. And this year, this ol girl and I went through some changes. I love my body and treat it with respect (not always as often as I should - moisturize and all dat), but I make sure to give it lots of love and tender care and I always make sure I smell good. I also give thanks for all my Perfumes (I am a total Perfume junkie).

My hair, this hair and I have been through quite a bit, shave then relax, then shave again, then cornrow then shave and then just let the hair do its own thing for a while and then put braids in. But my hair has grown so beautifully, strong and shinny and curly. It gets better and better and I just love it. I am truly grateful to have this hair that I have on my head.

I am also grateful for technology, food, shoes, music, my laptop (which was a gift from my folks), my clothes, and so much more. Much Much Much More!!!!!!!!!!!

I am truly Grateful for my Creator, I do often struggle with my faith , but I am always Grateful to be alive and be able to live the life that I do and be on my particular journey and path. I know he walks along side me and is always with me and that HE created me uniquely and for that I am eternally Grateful.

So yep, thats it, I am sure there should be more than I am Grateful more but I just cant really think right now, will leave it as is.

Peace and Love

Blessings and Light

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