'When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money. Then take half the clothes and twice the money!!!!!' - Unknown
Hi All!!!!!
This is soooooo exciting!!!!! My Visa is ready, got my Passport. My ticket has been bought and booked. And I am ready to fly!!!!!!!! Below is just some of the stuff ready to be packed.
Just some Shea butter, Castor oil and Jojoba oil, with some toothpaste, some conditioner, hand sanitizes, new toothbrush, hair ties, bobby pins, new small water spritzer, new empty bottles for mixes. T-shirts, shorts, harem pants, cotton tops. Still to be packed shoes, cosmetics, Argan oil (which I just won in a giveaway), my small emergency kit etc.
I have this STOOOPID grin on my face. Ever since I picked up my passport this morning, I have been walking on Cloud 9.
Sun, fun, adventure. Amazing food - actually, ummmm lets not talk about food right now. Spicy food and I don't mix. Opps..... shhhhhhhhhh.
So, Blogger and I are back on. We had words and we think what will be best,is if after every time I take pictures, I will have to immediately post them instead of save them on my laptop. That seems to work best.
There are a few new changes that will be happening. One thing is, I really want to start a 'Outfit of the day', only because where I am going, the clothes are amazing!!!!! And I plan on going shopping. Nuff Said.
Also, of-course it goes without saying that I am in search of a picture of - ' Man on a horse'. This needs to be done.
What else?
More hair pictures, more hair products. But an new addiction will be skincare, but that will be explained in due course.
Just want to add - I am going for Studies as well as Travel. So will explain more about what I am going to be studying and why. I know, its all suspense right now. But believe me, its worth it!!!! And I am so glad, I get to share this very special time in my life with my followers.
This place, this is a Real Dream Come True for me and I just want to take this opportunity to Thank my very Amazing and seriously Generous parents for making my dream come true. I am truly Blessed. Thank You, Thank you, Thank you. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
My word, these next few days better go fast.
And best bit..... I get to celebrate my 30th Birthday in a New Country!!!! Again. And this year, its on a Friday - so will mos def be having a special do. Just need to figure out the exact location.
I have lived the kind of life that has prepared me for this particular journey. I lived on my own for a while. I have traveled on trains, buses and bicycles. And lived in tents, sleeping bags and hostels. I can cook. I can wash. I can live without TV. Maybe not Internet (but it wont come to that). Also I am very well trained in the art of Negotiations or Bargaining!!!! Thank You Nigeria!!!!!! I adapt very well to new situations. I have a positive outlook on new situations and I have a winning smile. Yep, I am Ready for This. I was created for This. And I took all my shots and my medications, so my system is very ready for This.
Adventures here I come.
Blessings, Love and Dreams
I am excited for you!!
ReplyDeleteTake me!!
Hey Twinnie!!!!!! Gurl, its gonna be epic. That. Is. All. lol