'Live each day as if your life had just begun'. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Happy Saturday everyone
So I just got back from my first threading experience and wow am I sold!!!!!! Why didn't anyone tell me about threading?!!!!!! I mean, here I was tweezing my own eyebrows for years (actually - my sister used to do it for me but got sick of me squirming each time so, I was forced to learn to do it myself).
Perfect eyebrows.....
What the lady first did was to apply powder to the area she would be working on and then she tied the string around it self and held the end in her mouth - kind of like what you see in old movies when people are tooo scared to go to dentists? and tie a string around the tooth and the door handle? Exactly like that. Kinda. You get me.....?
It was a bit weird for me seeing the thread so I had my eyes closed throughout. The sensation was a bit tingly, I mean you definitely can 'feel' someone pulling out your hair, but its not painful. I think this will be my new thing, now I just need to learn how to do this by myself - Hello YouTube!!!!!!!!
Overall I am happy and I think this is a wonderful way to celebrate my first month in India!!!!!
Month Recap - coming soon.
Blessings, Love and Threading
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