'Advice is one of those things it is far more blessed to give than to receive'.
- Carolyn Wells
Its Friday and I am very happy, more than just that its weekend. But because I bought my Aloe Vera plant!!!!!!!! ( insert applause and a woohoo here) And best bit, it was on SALE, so I bought Two!!!!!! Take a look at my new babies.
I think I will name them: Georgina and Felicia
This little guy I saw in my street, I was tooo scared my flash would scare him so I didn't get any closer.
Now excuse moi, I am off to replant my darlings and whisper sweet nothings to them to help them grow faster and stronger. Ohhh I may play some jazz, soul or RnB. That Felicia, she looks like she can hang with some Marvin Gaye.
Blessings, Joy and Aloe
Thank You Chica!!!!!!