'Moderation. Small helpings. Sample a little bit of everything. These are the secrets of happiness and good health'.
- Julia Child
Hi again, This is

Ohhhhhh my Goodness!!!!!!!!! I feel so happy about this, like really!!!!!!! 100 posts about Hair, shoes, plants, clothes, cameras, travel, birthday, products, more shoes, more hair products, hair styles, my legs, features.....I wont lie, there were some days, when I didn't want to just go on and on bout hair and other days when Blogger and I were not getting on, but overall its been an experience!!!!!!!! Ok, lets get to this post.......
So, I just finished mixing up some SheAloe (that's Shea butter and Aloe Vera - with different oils) and I wanted to post about it. Let me start by saying, I dont work well with numbers (as evident by my bank balance) However, I bought 100 gr of Shea Butter and I had a small empty container that used to have 50 gr so I used that as my starting point, I wanted to fill the container.
What I mixed was:
half of my 100 gr Shea Butter
3 tablespoons of Aloe Vera gel
a few drops of Argan oil
a few drops of Jojoba oil
a few drops of Coconut oil
a few drops of Glycerin
a few drops of Vitamin E oil
a few drops of Sweet Almond oil
a few drops of Castor oil ( lot less than the others).
My Shea Butter

mixing and mixing just the Shea

more mixing

adding the oils

after mixing the Aloe Vera. Yummy goodness......

Man, I am seriously mad I don't have a better looking cuter container but it is what it is. So, how will I use this mixture you ask? Well, I use it as a body cream and also for my hair. Well, actually, I am rocking twists again (I do keep trying with them twists don't I?) and I actually used my last batch as I was twisting up my hair. I have noticed, I don't use as much because its not oily per say, but you just need a little bit for the body and hair. It glides over real smooth. If you make your own, you will see what I mean. My last batch lasted a about a month but then I used majority on my hair to make my twists. My room is well ventilated, but its underground, so its kinda dark but not really...... check out Swedish houses to get my drift. And I keep my mixture on the dresser near my bed. What I am trying to say is that it held for the duration without going bad or whatever. Yep, so there you have it.
Ohhhhh, let me get my SheAloe Review on lol, gotta advertise myself. I have noticed that firstly, my skin is smooooooth, silky and very soft. Secondly, due to my many operations, I have a few scars ( my ankle, my knees and my leg) these are getting slightly lighter and in some parts dare I say, Fading. Also, my ummmm stretchmarks (look..., I was really skinny in High school, I weighed under 50 kgs, then I blew up in my last year of high school and first year of University, then I moved continents and kept up and down and now I am back to being under 60 kg heading down to 52kg, which is my goal - so I am blessed with tiger prints M'Kay??!!) anyhoooo they are getting lighter as well. Very soon, I will be able to have a full body nude photo shoot, tastefully done of course. I promised myself, if I get my weight down and my marks can fade or be less, shoot, I would walk around NAKED. Move to a Nudist colony and live out my days there!!!!!! I really would. But on the real, I may take some bikini pictures or something.
Don't act, like you haven't promised yourself something outta this world, when you first started your diet, health care, nail care, hair care _____________ (insert what works for you). I know for Me, I promised myself (deep breathe) some professional hair photo shoot when I reach my waist length (I may even get my hair done professionally), and I promised my self a full spa French manicure and pedicure treatment when my nails get long enough, when I reach my goal weight I am getting myself a photo shoot, all those shoes and clothes I keep buying gonna be in that shoot, I even got myself a make up makeover gift certificate darling. Am way on my way!!!!!!
Not really gonna do the nude photo shoot, but I may go to a nudist beach and sit far, far far FAR from people and keep my towel wrapped around me at all times. I will have binoculars though, just to make sure no one is watching me. With they own binoculars. Its the only reason I would take Binoculars.
Thanks to everything for commenting, lurking and coming back to check on my little blog. Here's to another 100 posts.
Blessings, 100 and SheAloe