If you don't like something change it; if you can't change it, change the way you think about it.
- Mary Engelbreit
Finally, a hair update, I know I am very late with this, but the leg and foot has me very busy. Anyways, Its been 1 year and 1 month since my last Big Chop (I have had 3 in a span of 2 years) and I just cant believe how GORGEOUS my hair is!!!!!!!! And I cant believe the color as well, in proper light, its almost reddish/darkish brown with black undertones. Very fascinating, to me at least. So, I finally got some Shea butter( raw and unrefined) as well as a Shea butter moisturizer.
On January 4, my sister cornrowed my hair and I had it in that style until January 25, When I took them out, washed, conditioned and applied Amla oil, Shea moisturizer and Shea butter to the ends. Then it was off to bed, and this morning, I decided to do my first 2 Strand Twist. I refreshed my hair with water and Jasmine hair oil and then got to twisting and at the ends I applied the Shea butter again.
Below are some of the pictures I took. The only not there is the picture of the Jasmine oil. I completely forgot to take a picture.
Only 2 rows left, yeah!!!!!! Check out the thickness!!!!!!! I had 12 rows to start with and by this time, I was tired and grumpy. I just wanted to get under the shower and be done.

Garnier Fructis - Strengthening conditioner, it has 3 kinds of oils in it. Shea, Olive and Avocado.

Garnier Fructis - Strengthening conditioner, Active fruit Concentrate.

Raw Shea Butter, apparently it was the last container in the store. It was sold out pretty fast. My mom was lucky enough that she bought a larger tub for her self and got me this one smaller one.

My tried and trusted Amla oil. I have been using this product for years. Found an Indian store, where I can get some more, when this bottle runs out.

My hair, washed and with out products. Sorry for the blurry vision.

My hair with product. Not so much shrinkage.

Shredding, but its a lot less, then when I first started!!!!!

My first Twist!!!!!!

Top of my head lol. The twists at the front are much bigger/thicker than those at the end, back of my head, thats because my hands got tired and I just wanted to be finished. But it came out great!!!!!!!

Some outtakes, cant figure out how to delete these. I guess, these shots really want to be in on this post!!!!!

Its not one of my favorites yet, but thats me, no eyeliner, or gloss. or Plucked eyebrows for that matter. Summer needs to start and soon. Or I need some male attention.

To shiny for my liking, but check out my little product Junkie-ism in the corner. Most of that are hair and skin products.

The shampoo I used. Its from Garnier Fructis. And it was only after I got home that I realized it said Nordic Hair Care on the front. But hey, I wasn't about to waste money, plus is has Wheat Extract and its so soft and lovely. Actually, I may consider buying it again. Why change a formula that seems to be working is what I say.

So the plan, is to stick to what seems to be working for me right now. I will keep the twists in as long as I can and then either cornrow or re-twist or maybe braids again. As for products, the only things I really want is Henna and a leave in Conditioner.
Thats it for now.
Blessings and Love
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