Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Stockholm metro art: Husby

'Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known'.- Oscar Wilde


Today I bring you Husby station. I light green cave with images of the archipelago, boats, ships and tree trunks. It was done in 1977 by Birgit Broms. At the foot of the elevators you find photographs of roses encased in plastic blocks this was done in 1993 by Helen Sandberg. Enjoy the pictures 

The station

Rose in a box

Light green wall

Ship coming in

Lone sailor

Swedish flag


Two ships

About the artists

All over the tunnel wall

Hope you are enjoying this series as much as I am blogging about the metro art.

Peace, Laughter and Ships

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Stockholm metro art: Akalla

'Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth'.- Pablo Picasso

Hi all

Today's wonderful metro station is Akalla. This station was beautiful done by Birgit Ståhl-Nyberg in 1977. And its an ochre grotto with ceramic pictures of men and women during their daily lives to work, play and leisure activities. I will let the pictures speak for themselves. Enjoy!!!!!

The station


This beautiful grainy, gold/yellow/mustard wall of throughtout the metro

Woman on the move

Beautiful ladies

Busy men

I love this one

Catch that ball

On the move

This kinda reminds me of a full metro carriage

Everyone seems to be in a rush

So that was Akalla station for you to see. I love the contrasting colors used here, the vibrant then onto mustard, greenish. Every wall telling its own story.

Catch you tomorrow.

Joy, art and Keeping busy

Monday, January 27, 2014

Stockholm metro art: Solna Cetrum

'Painting is the poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen'.- Leonardo da Vinci


I am back and I would like to finish the Stockholm metro art series that I started when I was in Stockholm. So I give to you, Solna Centrum a station which artwork from artists Anders Aberg and Karl-Olav Bjork in 1975. This is a green and red station which shows the rural life of agricultural Sweden, the depopulation and destruction of the environment, forests and nature during the 70's. Onto pictures


Meeting at the crossroads

Corner glass box

Love this red and green

Man and his dog

Red wolf 

Busy tractor

Bike riding

ohhhh ok

Love this 

Looks like dollhouses huh?

So clean and shiny

Artists names

Beautiful moon

Quiet home


Gas station?

Love his glasses

Very busy

Love this coming round the corner

The red is so dramatic

So, thats it for Solna Centrum. I gotta say looking at these pictures, I seriously miss Stockholm. Its like a whole other world, these subway artworks. Every one so unique and different. Each telling a story. Taking you through history and through the artists eyes. I am so grateful to have been able to capture these stations. 

Peace, Love and Red