Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Hair products and Nico's first tantrum
I have been featured!!!!!!!!
We learn wisdom from failure much more than from success. We often discover what will do, by finding out what will not do; and probably he who never made a mistake never made a discovery.
- Samuel Smiles
Ohhhhh, I have been featured on Naturally Beautiful Hair!!!!!!!! Check it out.
I would like to take this opportunity to Thank Miss Karen, for giving me the forum to 'talk' about my Hair Journey. Its been a lovely, hard, interesting and always learning experience all this hair stuff. But everyday, I learn something new and Her Blog is one of the few that I frequent quite often (I really Really Really Love the Loc's Pictures!!!!!!).
If you are a new comer to my little space in the 'Blogsphere' ,Hi, I am Afropean Queen (Real name Christina) and welcome. And Enjoy.
Peace, Blessings and Sharing
Day 4 hair pictures (roller set and flat iron)
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
My hair and I - playing with my camera.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Castor Oil - the type I use
Roller set re -done and Hair length pictures!!!!!! Part 2
Roller set re -done and Hair length pictures!!!!!! Part 1
So next up are my part 2, which is my hair length before my trim and then afterwards.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Everyone Should know about........ The Moringa Plant!!!!!
I was brought up to believe that the only thing worth doing was to add to the sum of accurate information in the world.
- Margaret Mead
Hi everyone,
So one of the great things about traveling and living in different parts of the world is the vast amount of information that is gathered and learnt. And one thing, I learnt in Nigeria was about the Moringa plant. This plant is hailed as the 'Miracle' plant. I can say so much about it and I will, but let me just give you some facts:
- 7 times the Vitamin C of Oranges
- 4 times the Vitamin A of Carrots
- 4 times the Calcium of Milk
- 3 times Potassium of Bananas
- 2 times the Protein of Yogurt.
Thats just in the leaves!!!!! And believe me the leaves are tiny!!!!!!
This plant is also great for
- skin (the paste of the leaves is used to beautify skin)
- balancing the cholesterol levels in the body
- it protects liver and kidneys
- it can be used as a water purifier
- it can be used with breast milk to feed babies. (or even added to formulas to feed babies)
- the leaves can be consumed to stimulate metabolism
- The flowers, gum, bark, roots, seeds and pods can all be used as medicine ( for burns, scars and sores as well as to combat malnutrition - Its commonly used in Africa for this very purpose).
- It can be used as Biogas
- Livestock fodder
- Plant growth enhancer
The Benefits are endless.
This plant is native to India however today in can be found in Africa, Central and South America, Sri Lanka, Mexico, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines. I know from personal experience that every single part of the plant can be used, from the pods, to seeds, to branches to the tiny leaves. It can also be used as food, like a vegetable (cook it as you would spinach or greens), you can drink it as a tea or even give it to livestock. It helps with nutrition (we experimented with chickens - my mom had chicken that weren't getting it on, so she gave them some Moringa (my mom had grinded the leaves into a spice like consistency) and lets just say, we had tons of little chicks around. Plus the chickens became fat and very healthy.
Now, I know most information state, that it can only grow in very hot or dry climate, well, I can tell you, thats hogwash. We have (not we - but my mom) had planted some indoors and they grew, as well as in wet, rainy areas they also grew. The reason most people state that it must grow outside is because, you have to trim the top of the Moringa once it reaches a certain height for it to grow much further. And boy does it shoot up.
Also, now its very common to get Moringa tea. I checked online and it can be bought. Moringa in a tea form is very important because it has 46 antioxidants and essential Amino acids are also found. All in All the Moringa plant is truly an amazing plant.
Therefore, I decided to have it as my first Everyone Should Know About post. So now you know. Get some Moringa!!!!!!!!!!
Now for myself : Since I have all this vast information about this plant and I have leaves, seeds and tea. I have decided to see what it can do for my hair. So over the next few weeks, I will use it for my hair and will come back and let you all know about it. I am thinking, I may use it together with my Henna application, so that I can get a deep treatment or maybe I will make a paste and add that to my oils and shea butter. Not to worry, what ever I do, I will let you in on it. Onto some pictures.
From just one leaf!!!!!!

Thursday, March 24, 2011
Ever in Windhoek, Namibia ? Stop at .....
To forget how to dig the earth and to tend the soil is to forget ourselves.
- Mohandas K. Gandhi
I was suppose to start a segment about cool little stores or places I found interesting in Stockholm and the first place I found was/is just wonderful, however, most of the products from that store come from Japan and Asia. I felt with what had happened, I decided to hold off that post for a little later. But, I am a planner and I have things in my arsenal for emergency situations, so, I remembered that when I was in Windhoek, I made a stop with my mom at this garden place. Now, I don't mean to brag, but I have a green thumb, it seems whatever I planted into the ground seems to grow (thats also a philosophy I have in my own personal life). And basically, I love to get down on my knees and play with soil and plant something. Take note - I like to play and plant. I don't like to water (yet somehow, even without much watering my seeds seem to grow and that goes for anything, Vegetables, flowers and fruit). And with the busy things we had to do in Windhoek, my mom and I decided to head over to this fabulous place for some relaxation. Its kinda like our version of a spa, without all the people touching our bodies and oils and things. lol.
So, if you are Ever in Windhoek, and I do hope you do get a chance to go to Namibia, make a stop at Ferreira's. Not just for the gorgeous plants, flowers and garden tools.But for a whole new way to look at gardening. You could literally find yourself there for hours, just strolling down the walk ways, or having something to eat at the deli/cafe, or finding some cute outfit at the clothing store, or having a chat with the very experienced staff members about whatever it is you are looking for, trust me, you won't leave empty handed. My mom (and dad) would go there every Saturday, just to sit under the huge trees or walk amongst the flowers. There is also a small area for children, so basically the whole family can go (there is enough parking, so no worries there). The prices are very reasonable and I honestly think, people go for far more than just plants. Its truly a garden paradise.
Here are some pictures I took. And yes, these are all my own pictures, No Google image and paste. These were taken by myself and Nico (thats my camera - Yes, he has a name. No, I don't think thats weird).

Tuesday, March 22, 2011
My signature scent and my first roller set.
- Evelyn Underhill
Hi everyone.
Gonna keep it short today, I decided yesterday to wash, condition and roller set my hair, I oiled my hair with the Caster oil infusion that I posted about earlier, Amla oil and Shea butter. Luckily for me, my sister left her flat iron at her (and her boyfriends place) otherwise, I would have flat ironed my hair. I have old school rollers, the kind that have pins in them, so I put in 33 green rollers in my hair. I bought them in Namibia and red is the smallest, then comes pink, then blue, then green is larger and orange is the biggest. I know taking a picture would have been best, I wasn't thinking at that time. But I am happy to announce my hair was covered in only green rollers, so thats good. Next up, Orange!!!!!!!!! Its these small things in life that make me happy.
I opted against sitting under the dryer and instead chose to sleep with my rollers ALL NIGHT. I had pins sticking into my head, but I kept telling myself, its for the hair, its for the hair. (The things I do for my hair!!!!)
So this morning, I was going to do a cling film wrap (or whatever its called- were you brush the hair and then cling film it and sit under a dryer or whatever. Its on Youtube), but my hands were toooo tired and I couldn't get my hair to lie flat across my head, every time, one side would, the top part became undone, so I just wore a head band. The hair looked good though, its nice, thick, not too greasy and curled up very nicely, I did a good job. Plus I was very proud of myself, I completely did not use any heat what so ever!!!!!! But, Its just for this week. Perhaps on Friday or Saturday, I will cornrow or braid my hair again and leave it alone for a few weeks. Below are the only good photos I got, believe me my hands were too tired.
So I decided, now that summer is fast approaching, I need to get myself in gear and stay on top of things. So yep, I am good to go. Bring on Summer. I have a to do list: Travel, get a tan, go swimming, go to the zoo, visit some Museums, go to some open air concerts, find me a French man (yes, I slipped that one in there), go shopping, eat crayfish, ice cream, drink some mojitos and all those other summery things to do.
So here's to getting ready for Summer.
Blessings, Perfume and finding some sweet Romance.