- Steven Foster

I call this the PEACE Gun!!!!! I actually don't know what its called.

The Nobel building.

The spot where the Prime Minister was killed.

I love these bike's!!!!!!!!!!

- Steven Foster
Luck is believing you're lucky.
- Tennessee Williams
Hi Santa
So, this year, I was good really good. I was a little naughty but for most parts very good. I ate all my veggies,I exercised, I even fasted a few times during the year, I was kind, considerate, helpful and kept a positive attitude. So ummmmm yeah, here is my Christmas wish list..... feel free to send me everything or just a few things but please not less than 5 items. I have been really Really REALLY good and I can give you names of people who haven't, so there........I am just saying. I know people........
Firstly Nico my baby camera (which I love Dearly) needs a sibling and I really want to get him this I will even name her Niki!!!!!!!
My music player died a terrible death a few weeks ago and I want to replace it with this,
Hair Products - Everything from a denham brush, to hair milk, hair butters, Shea Butter, Henna etc.
Sweden, need I say more.....
and some La Perla,
Some Chanel to go with the La Perla
some Mac cosmetics as well
also, some cook books,
and a White Mac laptop.
Yep, thats about it Santa. I am very sure, my previous mail was lost ( I don't know how seeing as I am now closer to you than last year when I was in Abuja) but I figured sending you an email message was the best way to go. P.s dont come down the chimney, longgggggggggg story. But I will have some 3% fat milk and chocochip with oatmeal cookies for you.
Afropean Queen,
you know, the good girl.
When people keep telling you that you can't do a thing, you kind of like to try it.
- Margaret Chase Smith
Oh my, well the year is almost over, 11 days to go actually. I cant believe this year has gone so fast!!!!!!!! So will post about all I have done this year before the end of this year, but for now, its on to my Bucket list. I decided I don't want to to have resolutions, just things I want to accomplish by the end of 2011!!!!! 29 things that I will cross out!!!!!!!
1 Travel - in no particular order, these are the places I want to go to: Goa, Mumbai, New Delhi, Paris, London, Cairo, Athens, Marrakesh, Oslo, Copenhagen, Dublin, New York, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Madrid, Seoul, Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Antigua, Bahamas, Cuba, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Seychelles and Brussels.
2 Get my drivers Licence.
3 Learn Swedish, French & Spanish.
4 Learn to play the piano.
5 Learn to play the guitar.
6 Get 3 tattoos (wrist, back and ankle)
7 Get 2 piercings (nose and Belly)
8 Visit a meditation retreat.
9 Get a pet - name her Lola ( a dog would be fab)
10 Go to concerts have a few people I would like to see.....
11 Visit Italy for a whole month - May (my birthday month)
12 Fly first class
13 Go on a cruise - hopefully a Caribbean cruise.
14 Learn wine appreciation.
15 Go skiing.
16 Participate in an impromptu snowball fight.
17 Take a proper cooking class. I want to be a domestic/kitchen Goddess!!!!!!
18 Go bowling.
19 Become a Cheese connoisseur. I love LOVE cheese!!!!!!
20 Finish and Publish my first novel.
21 Be in a commercial and get paid.
22 Spend a week at a 5 star spa. Luxury!!!!!!!
23 Create a You Tube video.
24 Swim with dolfins.
25 Ride a camel.
26 Ride an elephant.
27 Get my astrological chart made.
28 Food to try - Truffles
- Cheese fondue
- Oysters
- Escargot
29 Get my portrait painted!!!!!!!!!
Yep just a few things I want to accomplish in the next 12 months. There is another special one but that one remains close to my heart............
I cant wait to start crossing things off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!