- Steven Foster

I call this the PEACE Gun!!!!! I actually don't know what its called.

The Nobel building.

The spot where the Prime Minister was killed.

I love these bike's!!!!!!!!!!

- Steven Foster
Luck is believing you're lucky.
- Tennessee Williams
Hi Santa
So, this year, I was good really good. I was a little naughty but for most parts very good. I ate all my veggies,I exercised, I even fasted a few times during the year, I was kind, considerate, helpful and kept a positive attitude. So ummmmm yeah, here is my Christmas wish list..... feel free to send me everything or just a few things but please not less than 5 items. I have been really Really REALLY good and I can give you names of people who haven't, so there........I am just saying. I know people........
Firstly Nico my baby camera (which I love Dearly) needs a sibling and I really want to get him this I will even name her Niki!!!!!!!
My music player died a terrible death a few weeks ago and I want to replace it with this,
Hair Products - Everything from a denham brush, to hair milk, hair butters, Shea Butter, Henna etc.
Sweden, need I say more.....
and some La Perla,
Some Chanel to go with the La Perla
some Mac cosmetics as well
also, some cook books,
and a White Mac laptop.
Yep, thats about it Santa. I am very sure, my previous mail was lost ( I don't know how seeing as I am now closer to you than last year when I was in Abuja) but I figured sending you an email message was the best way to go. P.s dont come down the chimney, longgggggggggg story. But I will have some 3% fat milk and chocochip with oatmeal cookies for you.
Afropean Queen,
you know, the good girl.
When people keep telling you that you can't do a thing, you kind of like to try it.
- Margaret Chase Smith
Oh my, well the year is almost over, 11 days to go actually. I cant believe this year has gone so fast!!!!!!!! So will post about all I have done this year before the end of this year, but for now, its on to my Bucket list. I decided I don't want to to have resolutions, just things I want to accomplish by the end of 2011!!!!! 29 things that I will cross out!!!!!!!
1 Travel - in no particular order, these are the places I want to go to: Goa, Mumbai, New Delhi, Paris, London, Cairo, Athens, Marrakesh, Oslo, Copenhagen, Dublin, New York, Barcelona, Amsterdam, Madrid, Seoul, Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Antigua, Bahamas, Cuba, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Seychelles and Brussels.
2 Get my drivers Licence.
3 Learn Swedish, French & Spanish.
4 Learn to play the piano.
5 Learn to play the guitar.
6 Get 3 tattoos (wrist, back and ankle)
7 Get 2 piercings (nose and Belly)
8 Visit a meditation retreat.
9 Get a pet - name her Lola ( a dog would be fab)
10 Go to concerts have a few people I would like to see.....
11 Visit Italy for a whole month - May (my birthday month)
12 Fly first class
13 Go on a cruise - hopefully a Caribbean cruise.
14 Learn wine appreciation.
15 Go skiing.
16 Participate in an impromptu snowball fight.
17 Take a proper cooking class. I want to be a domestic/kitchen Goddess!!!!!!
18 Go bowling.
19 Become a Cheese connoisseur. I love LOVE cheese!!!!!!
20 Finish and Publish my first novel.
21 Be in a commercial and get paid.
22 Spend a week at a 5 star spa. Luxury!!!!!!!
23 Create a You Tube video.
24 Swim with dolfins.
25 Ride a camel.
26 Ride an elephant.
27 Get my astrological chart made.
28 Food to try - Truffles
- Cheese fondue
- Oysters
- Escargot
29 Get my portrait painted!!!!!!!!!
Yep just a few things I want to accomplish in the next 12 months. There is another special one but that one remains close to my heart............
I cant wait to start crossing things off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Develop an attitude of gratitude, and give thanks for everything that happens to you, knowing that every step forward is a step toward achieving something bigger and better than your current situation.
- Brian Tracy
Sorry for the delay in blogging but better late than never. So its Thanksgiving, even though I anm neither American nor Canadian (if they celebrate this day) I am Thankful, so here is what I am Thankful for.
My family, those close and extended, a friend told me long time ago, that our souls basically pick which babies we want to inhabit and which family we want to be a part of, so even though I don't always get along with my family, I guess, my soul knew what it was doing, so I am proud to be a member of my family.
My friends, old and new, they really are an extension of me and reflect my personalty and growth as a person, some people have come and gone from my life, but each and everyone left a mark in and on my heart.
My sense of self worth, this is pretty high up of this list because I haven't always felt this good about my my own worth and I had to dig deep and figure things out and now I know who I Am and what I want and expect from life, love and everything in between. I know my talents, my strengths and my weaknesses, I love my courage, my depth and my compassion, my passions, my creativity and but Most of All I am Grateful to just be Me.
My ex's, I am grateful to them because this year, I had to let go of someone I deeply loved for a long time and it got me thinking of all the men I have had the privilege to be with or date. They each have brought something into my life for which I am truly grateful for. I am a romantic and I always felt that to truly love someone is as close to God as you as ever get apart from having a child, losing someone and death. So I am grateful to have loved and know that I am capable of being in love and finding the right man for me.
My travels, I have been really lucky in that I have lived and traveled to some seriously wonderful places and I give thank that there are even more places for me to explore. I cant wait to get out there and explore. I am so happy to be a part of this world and live during these times and I just cant wait to see more of this amazing PLANET!!!!!!!
My camera, my baby Nico, I love him to bits. He is such a Diva, wont work with anyone else but me, I bought him the morning of my flight to Windhoek, just hours before I left Vienna. He will be getting a new sibling next year, because I don't want to spoil him and I think he needs a partner.
My body, wow, this is actually a hard one, but as I get older, I appreciate my body more and more. And this year, this ol girl and I went through some changes. I love my body and treat it with respect (not always as often as I should - moisturize and all dat), but I make sure to give it lots of love and tender care and I always make sure I smell good. I also give thanks for all my Perfumes (I am a total Perfume junkie).
My hair, this hair and I have been through quite a bit, shave then relax, then shave again, then cornrow then shave and then just let the hair do its own thing for a while and then put braids in. But my hair has grown so beautifully, strong and shinny and curly. It gets better and better and I just love it. I am truly grateful to have this hair that I have on my head.
I am also grateful for technology, food, shoes, music, my laptop (which was a gift from my folks), my clothes, and so much more. Much Much Much More!!!!!!!!!!!
I am truly Grateful for my Creator, I do often struggle with my faith , but I am always Grateful to be alive and be able to live the life that I do and be on my particular journey and path. I know he walks along side me and is always with me and that HE created me uniquely and for that I am eternally Grateful.
So yep, thats it, I am sure there should be more than I am Grateful more but I just cant really think right now, will leave it as is.
Peace and Love
Blessings and Light
The most beautiful thing in the world is, precisely, the conjunction of learning and inspiration. Oh, the passion for research and the joy of discovery!
- Wanda Landowska
The beginning is always today - Mary Wollstonecraft
This is a bit long.
I always get excited when a new month begins, because its a chance for me to start something concrete until the last day of the month. And this time its no different. My goals for this month are easy: get my body into shape, get busy on my novel, work with my hair. Simple.
Not quite.......
My goal weight is 54 kgs, at the moment I weigh 67. So my plan of action is water, water, water, Pilates, Yoga, water, cut down on sweets, junk and big evening portions and more water. I have already quit smoking, my last cigarette was in March, my last drink was in June and the last time I hit a night club was last year, (Its been a dry season for me). Plus, I don't drink coffee, I no longer drink any fizzy, sugar laden drinks and my tea intake is quite minimal. I need to fit into a pair of size 38 jeans, only for the simple reason, that they are brand new and I am way tooooooo broke to go buy a new pair. They were bought for me last year, by my well meaning aunt. And I really really really want to wear skinny jeans!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My hair, I love my hair, I really do. I shaved it 3 years ago ( my brother went to town on my head with his clippers), and I had the most amazing shower ever. It was so liberating not having to worry about what to do with my hair. Until, the first little hairs came out then I was lost. Really lost. More lost than lost. Weeks later, I was back to the relaxer. After that, I figured, if I am going to go natural, maybe I should do some research first and plan ahead. So I did. I read, read, read, Everything I could about natural hair, the styles and what products to use. Only two problems arose.
1. I was living in Austria, and there were no natural haired sisters around.
2. All the products in the shops were in German and not meant for natural hair.
So what I did, was shave off my head again and start over, only this time, once the hair grew, I would get my sister to braid it for me. (I was lucky enough, that my mom sent us tons of hair extensions, and even luckier that my hair had worked in a hair salon and could braid). I happily went along, alternating between braids and cornrows until I went back to Namibia last year in December, when I had my hair cut again. This time very short of the sides and longish on the top. After two weeks in Windhoek, I came to Abuja and let me tell you, the weather and water have been wonderful on my head.
So, for about 8 months now, my hair has been in cornrows every two weeks and it has grown. I cant tie it up yet, but its getting there. I don't do much with it, except, wash, air dry, oil, cornrow and leave for two weeks, then deep condition and repeat.
I did buy some products though, I couldn't get everything I wanted but, I am happy with what I have thus far. So will see, what will happen end of August. I am hoping that it will be long enough for me to at least tie it up in a ponytail and also if I can get some Henna, than I really want to try that.
My novel. I have been writing since I could remember. I started writing short stories and poetry as a youngin and was very Blessed to have some work published. So for the last few years, I decided that I wanted to get my story across. You know, that saying that everyone has a novel in them. Well, I kinda, like have, maybe - three or four. So for now, I am seriously starting on my first one.Again. (but that's a different story)
Thus far, I am very proud of myself. I have a theme, characters, location and name for my book. That's all. Nothing more and nothing left. The WHOLE, novel is in my head. But, I have taken action, For the next 30 days, I will write, just write and write. I will get that story out of my head and into my laptop format. I refuse for it to live in my head!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't even know why it likes being in my head so much, believe me, there is nothing in there, but facts on African Politics, Psychology, childcare, Criminal Minds and recipes........really nothing much goes on in my mind than that.
Anyhow, I think, I have wasted enough writing time. So its back to my novel and trying to get it out...............maybe I should tempt it, by pretending to write about an African leader, who is a criminal mastermind, who uses Psychology with children whilst cooking from a great recipe.............
Life is not measured by the breaths you take, but by its breathtaking moments.
- Michael Vance